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Archimedean Solids

There are 13 of Archimedean Solids exist - to make them in The Geometrist, you need to download A4 template.

On this page, if you leave your detail in the check-out process, you can download this trial sample template of A1: Truncated tetrahedron for free.

The all 13 templates are listed for £30.00 in the next window - or individual template are £2.50 each, listed on the following windows with title with A.

Characteristics of each polyhedron are described in those individual windows.

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There are 13 Archimedean Solids exit;

A1: Truncated tetrahedron
A2: Truncated octahedron
A3: Cuboctahedron
A4: Truncated cube
A5: Rhombicuboctahedron
A6: Great rhombicuboctahedron
A7: Snub cube
A8: Truncated icosahedron
A9: Icosidodecahedron
A10: Truncated dodecahedron
A11: Thombicosidodecahedron
A12: Great rhombicosidodecahedron
A13: Snub dodecahedron

And their duals are 13 Catalan Solids!